Thursday, 4 October 2012

KeithSmith of the Woodworker magazine Testedthe Xcalibur10in planer thicknesser

Woodford Woodworking Machinery has just increased its Xcalibur range with the

introduction of two new planer thicknessers and I’ve recently been trying out the smaller
10inch model in my workshop. This is another solid Xcalibur machine, for solid read heavy,
with cast iron infeed, out feed table and planer bed, supported by a substantial lifting tube; all
together this adds up to about 150kgs. So if you need to move it round the workshop it would
need a heavy-duty mobile base.

Will it fit in your workshop?
Dimensions for the machine are 1085mm long by 450mm deep, with the switch protruding an extra
100mm from the front. However, as with all these machines,when using it, the fence-supporting plate
protrudes from the back of the machine; this one by 250mm

An 1100 watt electrically braked induction motor drives the cutter via twin v-belts. Drive
to the feed rollers is via chain drive; with a good size flywheel to give a more even feed.
The feed rollers are turned on and off with a lever at the infeed end of the machine. Both the
infeed and outfeed rollers are metal, the infeed being toothed for a better grip and the outfeed
smooth so it doesn’t mark the surface of the planed timber

In use

The Xcalibur sounds smooth in use,when not under load, noise levels are about 88dB;
the noise is relatively low frequency and so not particularly annoying. Converting this type
of machine from planing to thicknessing is often a pain, but with the Xcalibur it took me less
than a minute. Only the fence needs to be removed so that the tables can be tilted out of the
way and the dust extraction assembly swung into its thicknessing position.


This is a well built machine which should give many years of excellent service. It’s well-
proportioned tables make for accurate planing and it has an exceptional thicknessing
capacity. With the proviso that the tables do need a little work, I can thoroughly recommend
this machine,